Accessibility statement
This statement was established on November 16, 2020. Epresspack commits to make this website accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005. For this purpose, Epresspack will initiate corrective measures on the most impacting non-conforming elements identified during a compliance audit. To do this, Epresspack is supported by an expertise firm that will allow it to gradually improve some of the non-conformities identified. The accessibility statement will be updated if necessary.
This accessibility statement applies to the website
État de conformité
The site is partly consistent with the “Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité”, RGAA version 4.0, due to the non-conformities listed in the "Test results" section.Test Results
The compliance audit carried out on October 16, 2020 by the company Access42 revealed that the site is 53% compliant with the RGAA version 4.0. The sample of pages on the site that have been subject to a compliance check is as follows:- (Home Page)
- (Press release page)
- (Press release example)
- (Accor dans le monde page)
- (Medias page)
- (Gallery example)
- (Contact page)
- (Search page)
Inaccessible content
Non-conformitiesOnly the primary non-conformities which have the most impact, and are present in significant quantities within the sample pages are listed here:
- Links and buttons without labels;
- The filter system present on many pages of the sample;
- The browser menu on the mobile version ;
- Modal windows that do not respect the expected keyboard behaviors (focus capture in particular);
- Interactive components that only appear when going over (such as buttons to download or share images) but which are not accessible when taking focus
Third party content- The Social Wall on the Home page calls APIs from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Technologies used for the development of the website
- JavaScript
User agents and assistive technology used to verify content accessibility
The accessibility check is the result of manual tests, assisted by tools (dedicated CSS sheets, HeadingsMaps and WebDeveloper Toolbar extensions, Color Contrast Analyzer). Content restitution checks were carried by a combination of the the RGAA reference base, with the following versions:- User agent : Firefox 82 – Assistive technology : NVDA 2020.3
- User agent : Internet Explorer 11 - Assistive technology : JAWS 19
- User agent : Safari (13.0.4) - Assistive technology : VoiceOver (macOS Catalina - 10.15.3)
Feedback and contact
It is important to remember that under article 11 of the law of February 2005:"People with disabilities have the right to compensate for the consequences of their disability, regardless of the origin and nature of their disability, their age or their lifestyle. " Epresspack undertakes to take the necessary means to provide access, within a reasonable period of time, to the information and functionalities sought by the disabled person, whether the content is subject to an exemption or not.
Epresspack invites people who encounter difficulties to contact them so they can provided the necessary assistance (accessible alternative, information and content given in another form) by email at:
If you notice an accessibility issue preventing you from accessing any content or functionality of the site, that you report it to us and you are unable to obtain a response, you are entitled to send your complaints or a referral request to the Defender of Rights.Several options are at your disposal:
- a contact form;
- a list of the delegate (s) in your region with their direct contact information;
- a telephone number: 09 69 39 00 00;
- a postal address (free mail, without postage): The Defender of Rights - Free response 71120 - 75342 Paris CEDEX 07.